The Newsmakers of 2012


Who’s who and who’s hot? What’s in and what rocked!

Want to know the trends that got the world spinning last year? Here are the lists of lists of the 2012 Newsmakers  from the top 3 social networks today.

Facebook has released their Year in Review,” outlining what created the most buzz this year, and what puts Facebook in a unique position is that they have over one billion users, and trillions of data points to analyze. And so, Facebook users shared the most buzzed about trends of 2012:

Top event: U.S. Presidential election

Top public figure: Barack Obama

Top political topic: Barack Obama

Top song: We Are Young (feat. Janelle Monáe) – Fun

Top movie: The Hunger Games

Top book: The Hunger Games (#1)

Most checked-in location: Times Square

Top technology: Instagram

Top television show: Duck Dynasty

Top sports topic: NY Giants

Top meme: TBH (“to be honest”)

Google also presented their “Zeitgeist” (which means “the spirit of the time”), revealing what people were most interested, or alternatively, what they wanted to know more about. Below are the top 10 searched terms on Google this year:

Whitney Houston

Gangnam Style

Hurricane Sandy

iPad 3

Diablo 3

Kate Middleton

Olympics 2012

Amanda Todd

Michael Clarke Duncan


Twitter compiles not only the most retweeted images and tweets, but shares their take on the “pulse of the planet” through the “biggest conversations” of the year around single events that generate a large number of Tweets and Retweets. The biggest conversations this year on Twitter were:

The Summer Olympics in London

The Presidential Election (U.S.)

The MTV Music Awards

Euro 2012 (soccer)

The Super Bowl

Superstorm Sandy

UEFA Championship Semi-Finals

“Summer Wars” (Japan anime movie)

Whitney Houston


Did the one listed above agree with the list you have? Why not make your own list of the newsmakers for 2012 and share it here.

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