Seeking legal advice on lawyers is now made more convenient and affordable as LexMeet (, a real-time on-demand online legal consultation webspace where lawyers and clients meet to solve legal problems is now launching its mobile application.
Starting November 2018, the LexMeet App can now be downloaded in Google Play ( and its IOS version will be soon available for download in App Store.
LexMeet solves difficulties on clients getting proper guidance on their problems that need legal remedies. Aside from fake attorneys lurking in the web as well as the nuances of Philippine law, there are also the rampant misinterpretations of common legal issues that just add unnecessary confusion to a prospective client seeking legal advice. In addition, the lack of access—physical or online—to a lawyer also compounds the issue, especially for Filipinos working overseas. All these concerns are what LexMeet wants to address – lawyer and legal service accessibility to the masses – by making online legal consultations readily available for Filipinos everywhere without breaking the bank.

Using the LexMeet app couldn’t be any simpler. After the client registered their personal details for free, they can purchase credits—for as low as P500- via Paypal, Dragonpay, Coins.Ph and later on Google Pay payment gateways. Clients can initiate a legal consultation request where LexMeet will match their legal problem with a lawyer specialists that meets their requirements. Example, when a client submits his/her legal problem about the title of his/her condominium unit, LexMeet gives him/her a lawyers list with specialisation in Condominium Law. Clients have to submit in advance their legal inquiries and provide their stories, objectives and questions as well as supporting documents through LexMeet sign-up forms. All consultations are conducted over video or voice call— possibly imposing for non-tech-savvy folk, but nevertheless more effective than a lifeless chat window. Their credits are automatically paid to their matched lawyer after the meeting ends. Ratings and feedback mechanism help ensure that LexMeet’s crowdsourced network of 250 lawyers provide quality consults, which seems to be the case as it boasts over 7,500 clients and counting.
LexMeet, a wordplay on the Latin word for “law” and workplace verbatim for setting office meetings is founded by Atty. Marlon Valderama, Managing Partner of Valderama Law Office and the country’s pioneer when it comes to e-lawyering. He introduced the e-lawyering concept as early as 2010 in his law office website, E-Lawyers Online.
“LexMeet serves as the Uber of lawyers, where client can seek lawyer’s advice by a mere click. Instead of a Uber vehicle matching with the nearest rider, LexMeet is where client’s legal problem is matched with the lawyer’s expertise, location and language and we serve as a bridge for them to meet via video or call conference,” Atty. Valderama said.
Since its inception in 2017, Lexmeet serves as the online go-to-place by OFWs and SMEs.
“As we all know, Philippines have more than 10.23 million migrant workers scattered all over the world. With Filipino diaspora, there is a demand for legal services for the legal issues left behind by our migrant workers such as marriage, support and custody issues, inheritance, investments, among others. Also, we have so many SMEs, almost 1M now, who are needing legal guidance from lawyers. The lack of online facility to help our OFWs and SMEs in solving their legal problems is our prime motivation on establishing a primary hub of e-lawyering, ” Atty. Valderama explained.LexMeet has been recently awarded as the Best Life Helper in 2018 ASEAN Rice Bowl Startup Awards as it was recognize in its promising goal in making legal consultations inclusive for all Filipinos.
Fore more information, visit