The Latest on Point of Sale System


What’s latest with clover POS system?

Clover point of sale system is known for its innovative designs and ease of use. It delivers integrated performance and the recent changes have already made it, the hottest topic of discussion amongst the store owners. Here are few points that makes the new clover credit card machine and its other products different from the earlier ones.

Payment processing – The earlier releases of Clover hardware systems were not able to access the chip card or the EMV’s, out of the box. But, the recent clover system is innovated to change such issues. Now, it is possible for the system to accept the EVM cards. You really don’t have to buy an additional hardware which earlier proved to be very expensive for the people. Since the cards have been rolling out from companies, banks & other sources, the necessity for appropriate hardware is rising. This improvement has given retailers an access to acceptance of wider variety of payment options. It also provides customers with satisfaction that their payments are being managed with supreme security. This sense of security delivers a 100% peace of mind for the customers as well as for the merchant account owners.

Redesigning the software – The previous version of this system has already been in wide use at every retail unit but it wasn’t very suitable for certain restaurants. So, the experts have redesigned the software according the much-needed requirements to address the shortcomings. Thankfully, they have added more dynamic options for restaurants, order and table booking feature with visuals to make management, streamlined and easier.

Other significant features of clover point of sale systems –

What else is different in the latest version? Let’s study a few more features that sale managers and retailers requires –

  • Innate time sheet supervision tools;
  • Advanced inventory tracking tools;
  • Fingerprint scanner;
  • Customized printer screen;
  • Instant payment processor;
  • Big screen unit.

Thus, the clove point of sale system is very user friendly and highly innovative and with the introduction of the latest version, the experts have added some really interesting features to make it more accessible and helpful for the retailers, customers and sale managers.


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