The Apocalypse Project: Imagined Futures at The Mind Museum



The Apocalypse Project is a speculative design research inquiry that explores our possible lifestyles as climate change continues to affect the planet. It is a creative platform that asks specific questions about our environmental futures.

The exhibition is by Catherine Sarah Young, an artist, scientist, designer, explorer and writer whose work primarily explores human perception and its relationships to memory and play.

The Apocalypse Project: Imagined Futures aims to empower the public to embrace climate change as a personal challenge through the following exhibit areas:

T.E.M.P.S (The Ephemeral Marvels Perfume Store) presents: The Smell Bar of Vanishing Scents
Climate Change Couture: Volume 2, Manila
The Fadelist: Tracks of Endangered Sounds
The Climatoscope: Futurescapes of Planet Earth
The Planetary Poetry Board

The exhibit will officially open tomorrow, April 25, 2014. The first 500 persons to complete all tasks of the mission get an Apocalypse Badge as Commander of the Apocalypse, defender of the future.

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