The results of the most recent Canadian Tobacco Use Monitoring Survey (CTUMS) show that daily smokers smoked an average of 14.4 cigarettes per day. If we are to apply that to Filipino smokers, they need to allot around P75 per day to satisfy their need. The amount is based on the P5 per stick price of the major cigarette manufacturer in the country.
One good news to the consumer of the product is that Mighty Corporation, a Philippine tobacco company owned by the Wongchuking family has priced its produced with a pocket-friendly tag price. This is even the fact that they have raised their prices just two months ago.  Today, a soft pack 20’s Mighty Filter Kings and Mighty Menthol is currently being sold at sari-sari stores in areas of Bicol, Cebu, Zamboanga and some parts of Metro Manila at P1.5 per stick from P1.
The official pricelist effective November 13 last year, the Bulacan-based cigarette maker increased prices of its popular brands Mighty Filter Kings and Mighty Menthol by 24.5 percent to P183 per ream from P147. With the raise of cost, the net wholesale price of Mighty Filter Kings and Mighty Menthol per pack (20-sticks) is now at P18.6 from P14.7, while the suggested retail price of these two cigarette brands is P22 from P14.8.
The prices of Mighty Corp cigarettes are still lower compared to those sold by market leader PMFCT Inc., the merged entity of Philip Morris Philippines Manufacturing and Lucio Tan-owned Fortune Tobacco. PMFTC budget products Jackpot cigarettes can be bought at a wholesale price of P192 per ream or P19.2 per pack of 20’s.
Reports state that Mighty Corp now controls 20 percent of the country’s smoking consumers. This is way much better compared to the 3 percent share they have in 2012. PMFCT still holds 75 percent before January 2013. This was lower compared to a strong 92 percent they used to register in the industry.
Who’s gonna win in the battle for the lowest cigarette in the market? The consumer will definitely have the say as to what brands they will purchase. In situations like this, only one thing is emerging as the clear winner. That of course are the consumers who are always after to get their money’s worth in every product that they buy.