First Pinoy Music Video with Frontal Nudity


After the Miley Cyrus’ twerking incident at the Video Music Awards, what else can the viewing public expect to see in the near future?

How about frontal nudity and breasts exposure in MTVs? Well, a Pinoy band has dared to produce one and will definitely be an entry in news programs in the days to come.

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Screen grab from Youtube

Line of 7 is an up and coming OPM band composed of Argee (lead vocals/guitars), Alex (second vocals/lead guitars), Seth (bass) and Matt (drums). There latest single “Langit” features them as high school students having a great time with their teacher. Well, a little too much great time this time.

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Screen grab from Youtube

It was dubbed as  a “for adults video” and you decide if it is indeed a Rated R MTV. Here’s the link:



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