Finally, a ready-to-drink product what can be considered a fountain of youth in a bottle is now made available to the market. Be healthy and beautiful. Fine Nutrition’s Hyaluron and Collagen Plus is here for a healthier and more beautiful YOU!
This product is considered by many as one of the best since it has everything, skin whitening, skin firming and lifting, skin moistening, reducing wrinkles, reducing age spots and strengthening of bones and joints.
Belle Tan, product user for more than three years, shares, “This product is just incredible! I don’t even have to do much. The product makes a very strong case for itself. I simply transcribe what experimental evidence reveals: nothing more, and nothing less.”
She also added, “Am I really the only one in the Philippines to discover this amazing product? If everyone knew what I know, this product would be everywhere here in the Philippines. I still cannot believe how great this product is. I’ve tried anti aging products before, but nothing like this! Unbelievable!”
Collagen is a major protein component in the human body. Approximately one quarter of the total amount of proteins in the body is composed of collagen. Collagen helps to maintain the strength and flexibility of skin, connective tissue, ligaments, bones, joints, muscles, tendons, gum, teeth, eyes, blood vessels, nails and hair. In fact, 70% of the skin is composed of collagen. As we age, collagen production in the body starts to slow down. Therefore, the skin inevitably loses its firmness and radiance.
Visible signs of aging become more visible; pores enlarge, wrinkles, age spots, blemishes, dry and sagging skin appears. Collagen derived from fish is a natural rejuvenating source that replenishes the body’s own collagen supply and boosts collagen cell turnover. Due to its premium quality, this low molecular weight collagen peptide is used to ensure far greater absorption and utilization by the body than other collagen products, resulting in skin that is younger-looking and firmer.
With aging, ELASTIN dries up and shrinks, thereby losing its natural ability to provide skin with elasticity, texture and firmness. Elastin is the protein that allows skin to “spring back’ into place when stretched, so skin stays resilient and firm.
The largest amount (approx. 50%) of HYALURONIC ACID (HA) in our body resides in skin tissue. With age, the levels of hyaluronic acid in the body decrease, causing considerable reduction in the moisture binding capacity, resulting in dry skin and weak joints. HA and collagen are vital to maintain the skin’s layers and structure.
While collagen gives skin its firmness, it is the HA that nourishes and hydrates the collagen. It acts as a space filler between cells, while collagen and elastin fibers act as a constant lubricant. It is also present in the synovial fluid of joints and eyes, providing moisturizing protection. HA may help slow signs of aging such as wrinkles, fatigue, diminished eye function and joint pain. This low molecular weight HA ensures better absorption and utilization by the intestinal tract.
PEARL COIX (HATOMUGI) extract has been used for over 30 years in Japan as a detoxification and beauty supplement for clear, fair and luminous skin.
VITAMIN C helps to provide antioxidant effect and is indispensable to collagen production in the body.
BIOTIN helps to maintain the health of skin, hair and nails.
Restore the vibrancy, strength and softness of skin! An excellent beauty supplement to regain youthfulness is now available in the market. It’s easy to drink with a fruity taste.
For more information about the product, you may visit www.fine-living-essentials.com or email fine_livingessentials@yahoo.com. You may also call tel. nos. 624-1506/ 0917-8011269 / 0932-8751269. Like also www.facebook.com/fine.living1201 for updates and other promotions.